Newsletter No.1
OPC Status
We currently cover 197 of the possible 247 Parishes, although the numbers are difficult to assess. There have been no recent resignations, but no new volunteers, either.
Why is it difficult to be precise about the number of Parishes?
Because some Parishes have been absorbed by others, whilst in other cases new Parishes have been created. Carnmenellis is an example of both, as it was created from part of Wendron in 1846 but it's now part of Stithians.
Online Database
This is one project which seems to be making progress. Led by Bill O'Reilly, those involved should have a draft online for testing soon. Please don't forget that all contributions of data are welcome.
Temporarily Unavailable
We use this term on our website to indicate when OPCs have to suspend their email-answering service for longer than a week or two. So it covers situations such as illness or family bereavement, not short term holidays. However, if anyone wants to let me know when they're away for a short time but don't want this publicised, please do. It can help when I receive emails from researchers unable to contact an OPC.
Despite the continuing efforts of Diane and Julia, this source of data for transcribing seems to have dried up, at least temporarily. This is frustrating for everyone involved, but even more so for the new volunteers who are waiting to go public with their roles. Some of them live hundreds of miles from the nearest Family History Centre.
The OPC scheme has spread to other counties, with variations but still based on the ideas of Michael McCormick, David Stick and Paul Brewer. The coordinators of the 8 counties now have an online facility for swapping ideas etc and a mailing list. So I'll let you know of any developments.
Please visit our website ( to see how it's progressing. Julia is doing a great job including frequently adding new transcripts. If you'd like to amend your parish page, she's always willing to receive up-dates and error reports.
Suggestions for items for the next newsletter are welcome, as are contributions.
OPC Status
We currently cover 197 of the possible 247 Parishes, although the numbers are difficult to assess. There have been no recent resignations, but no new volunteers, either.
Why is it difficult to be precise about the number of Parishes?
Because some Parishes have been absorbed by others, whilst in other cases new Parishes have been created. Carnmenellis is an example of both, as it was created from part of Wendron in 1846 but it's now part of Stithians.
Online Database
This is one project which seems to be making progress. Led by Bill O'Reilly, those involved should have a draft online for testing soon. Please don't forget that all contributions of data are welcome.
Temporarily Unavailable
We use this term on our website to indicate when OPCs have to suspend their email-answering service for longer than a week or two. So it covers situations such as illness or family bereavement, not short term holidays. However, if anyone wants to let me know when they're away for a short time but don't want this publicised, please do. It can help when I receive emails from researchers unable to contact an OPC.
Despite the continuing efforts of Diane and Julia, this source of data for transcribing seems to have dried up, at least temporarily. This is frustrating for everyone involved, but even more so for the new volunteers who are waiting to go public with their roles. Some of them live hundreds of miles from the nearest Family History Centre.
The OPC scheme has spread to other counties, with variations but still based on the ideas of Michael McCormick, David Stick and Paul Brewer. The coordinators of the 8 counties now have an online facility for swapping ideas etc and a mailing list. So I'll let you know of any developments.
Please visit our website ( to see how it's progressing. Julia is doing a great job including frequently adding new transcripts. If you'd like to amend your parish page, she's always willing to receive up-dates and error reports.
Suggestions for items for the next newsletter are welcome, as are contributions.
Welcome to the blog-o-sphere Myra.
Rick, at 5:09 pm
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